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Family Articles

Harry Freund death information

From The Sedalia Democrat in Sedalia Missouri on Dec 11, 1949

Freund Brothers Bread Company article

New Yorker article about Paul Freund - Part 1

New Yorker article about Paul Freund - Part 2

NY Times obituary for Paul Freund

Paul Freund article from age 11

Globe Democrat article about Freund Family - Part 1

Globe Democrat article about Freund Family - Part 2

Samuel Freund article in the Encylopedia Judaica

Samuel Freund article in Encyclopedia Judaica (c) 1982 - Volume 7

Paul Freund article from Encyclopedia Judaica

Article about Paul Freund in the Encyclopedia Judaica (c) 1982 - Volume 7

Samuel Freunds books at the British Museum

Books by Samuel Freund in the British Museum aquired between 1862-1892. The translation of these states: Sefer Imroth Taharoth (literally translated as Book of Ritutally Clean Sayings) mostly contains annotations and corrections in the words of the explicators Hara”m, Hara”sh, and HaRo”sh on Seder Taharoth (the sixth order of the Mishnah). Further included in it are new interpretations, comments, resolutions, and clarifications in the passages of the whole order (Seder Taharoth) as well as those passages found throughout Sha”s (all six orders of the Mishnah). Eulogy for our teacher Yosef the son of Ya’akov Lieben Sefer Ketem Paz (literally translated as Book of Golden Stain) – Exegesis on Tractate Avoth. (Translation by Bruce Zemel)

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This site was last updated 08/04/03